Unionising the Future: A Joint History of Trade Unions and Students’ Unions – Research Volunteers Required

Could your knowledge and experiences contribute to a history of joint working between Trade Unions and Students’ Unions?

Opportunities are currently available to participate in a project that tracks the history of interactions between Trade Unions and Students’ Unions from 1970 onwards.  Your experience of joint working between these organisations could contribute to the narrative of a currently unwritten history.  This may include policy that governs joint working, joined up working on campaigns, protests, consultations, casework, direct action, or any other areas you have experience of.  This project is seeking perspectives on where things have worked well, where they have been difficult, and in your thoughts about the future of joint working between these partners.

Participants may be current, or past officers, stewards, staff or volunteers working at Trade Unions or Students’ Unions, or in other HE Sector organisations.  You will be required to take part in a one hour recorded interview reflecting on your own experiences.  This interview will focus on your personal experience and observations in relation to the topic and you will be required to do no prior work or research on the matter.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this online contact form and we will be in touch shortly: https://goo.gl/forms/bQoamscNQ4YWZuWT2


This research is being conducted by Heather McKnight, a PhD student at the University of

Sussex funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council funding consortium CHASE (Consortium for the Humanities and Arts South- East England). This research has been approved by the Social Sciences & Arts Cluster Research Ethics Committee at the University of Sussex. 

Any information provided is confidential, no information disclosed will lead to the identification of any individual in the reports on the project, either by the researcher or by any other party. Personal information will be treated as strictly confidential and handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.