Mental Health via Drama, 13th October, Brighton Dome Founders Room

Social Enterprise Theatre Company Production

*** Local Theatre Production About Mental Health, free entry ***

On 13th October at the Brighton Dome, Social Enterprise Theatre, in collaboration with Brighton Housing Trust, will be presenting One in Four – a rehearsed reading devised by people with a lived history of mental health. Three groups of women will be presenting short ten-minute plays about their experiences of mental health, before Des McClean presents a funny and enlightening take on some difficult experiences as a black man in the mental health system in England.

ZLS Theatre founder Guy Wah has been directing Des in his monologue, and is excited by the upcoming performance.

“Des has written a very funny and engaging script detailing some of his very difficult experiences within the mental health system in England. I’m honoured to be able to direct this part of what promises to be an entertaining and enlightening evening of entertainment.”

The performance takes place on Tuesday 13th October in the Founders Room at the Brighton Dome and entry is free, with donations accepted later in the evening.